To print this recipe click on the name: Boondi Laddu
You need..
- First make sugar syrup of 1 string consistency.
- Fry dry fruits in ghee (this is optional).
- Warm Boondi in microwave for few seconds and crush some, say 1/4 cup and then add all to the sugar syrup and mix well till the boondi absors all the sugar.
- Add crushed cardammon and dry fruits and mix well.
- Switch off the stove and leave that aside just for few minutes until the mixture becomes little cold and start making laddus immediately. Keep a glass of cold milk on the side, rub your hands with milk or sprinkle some on the boondi and make Laddus. You should finish making those Laddus when the boondi is warm otherwise it is difficult for the boondi to stick together.
You can remove some boondi aside and add colors like red or green to make those look more colorful and beautiful.